Monday, March 29, 2010

Colonial Python FTL Tactical Strike Fighter.

The Python was is the only Faster Than Light capable fighter ever built by the Colonial Defense Force. It was built sometime during the early stages of the First Cylon War and is based mostly on the Viper Mark II but much larger due to the FTL Drives, which can make up to six jumps. Although not as quite as fast or as maneuverable as the Mk II it has much more firepower as it is and capable of caring an anti-basestar nuclear weapon.It was classed as a Tactical Strike Fighter because there was already a dedicated Bomber in the colonial fleet and for the fact that the python can hold it own against all but the most advanced Raiders. 

One of the important things about the Python is the long range DRADIS tracking system on board something even the Cobra Bomber lacks. They serves amazingly for the Colonial Marines and Special Air/Space Service (SASS, this military division was disbanded after the war) escorting ships that could not carry Vipers and also independent raids on Cylon outposts. Python squadron pilots used to have Basestars and Raiders kill marks on the side of there ships. The Python requires the pilot to wear an advanced suit that has a larger oxygen supply tank on the flight suit due the avionics equipment in the cockpit.
    Python squadrons where revered across the colonial military. The elite was the 647th Shark-mouths a squadron that was responsible for taking out a basestar and all its raiders, with out the aid of a Battlestar or Vipers.
Only a handful of Battlestars have Pythons on board, Those ships where the Triton, the Soloria, and the Atlantia (which housed the Shark-mouth Squadron).

The Python was discontinued after the war and the remaining ships where left on the Picon ship graveyards. A fifteen ship squadron of these fighters where picked up by the Rebel Battle Group after the Cylon sneak attack and put back into service to defend the small fleet. They have served amazingly for the few months the group has been together being utilized for hit and run attacks on the Cylons.

Type: FTL Tactical Strike Fighter
Length: 15.0m
Crew: 1
Cargo: 30 kilos
Consumables: 15 days
Engines:  Dual Voram VX-100s(sides) One CDF FTL Drive
Communications: Terrell & Tyne VF-2001 Multi-band transceiver with masser precision targeting and long Range DRADIS tracker (can target, track and identify up to 100 targets)
Avionics: Miiso Delta-G Intrepid Guidance system
Weapons System:
 Dual 40mm Mass Accelerator Chain Gun Cannons (Designed by Scoprian Arms built at the Colonial Military Construction Site on Picon  
One Anti-Ship Nuclear Missile hard-point

Being dangerously low on Tylium and weapons has started to make the commanders of the rebel battle group very nervous, this and also defending there location or having enough fuel to jump to safety is also is under threat.

A plan has been devised to send four Raptors and the Adrasteia to further scout out the main fleet headquarters on Picon for a salvage op. Initial reports state that no Basestars are located around the planet and a quick planet fall for the Adrasteia and its raptors to check the destroyed fleet headquarters. The main objective is to flill the cargo hold of the Adrasteia with as much Tylium and equipment as it will hold.
The second objective is to find any working old Vipers or fighters as they can, the fleet only has only about ten left after the attack and six are not working. 

It is not know if there is a Cylon ground presence so this operation will need to be fast.
all information on the planet Picon can be found here


* The group will land on Picon with no problem. The fleet head quarters will have not much but they can siphon Tylium from some of the wrecked ships there, three or four MK VII can be found with out much problem (they may not be in completely working order)

* The biggest thing will be what they find in the ship graveyard..
25 - Viper MK II (In working or near working conditions)
6 - Viper MK I(all working...just)
15 - Python FTL Tactical Strike Fighters (some componest are stripped from most but mainly running with a bit of work)

* For most of the salvage operation will go off with out a hitch (depending on the games master of course) On the way out of the planet the Adrasteia will be ambushed by Raiders. This is where Viper Pilots will come into there own. Using the ancient fighters to score a win for the motley crew of colonial rebels. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010


There seems to be plenty of RPG and Battlestar Galactica sites that have the ship name Heracles. This site is a basis for your gaming and like all campaigns you should totally take what you want to use from it.
You may have a ship and a name that your fond of already so try that.

Some alternative ideas for your game:
  • The surviving ship might not even be a Battlestar,it could be an even smaller warship like a Firestar. For example the Firestar Parnassus is a small ship attached to the BSG 102 when her flagship was destroyed the Firestar some how managed to be lost in all the confusion. After jumping away to safety she managed to meet up with a some other survivors of the attack (a few civilian ships could be included as well)

  •  An experimental ship is always a cool way to mix it up in your game. How about a new type of Battlestar or Battlecarrier. Make up or find something of your own design, an advanced ship could be the difference between life and death during and adventure. Advanced mean better weapons and faster engine but also means teething problems, systems that fail and/or have never been used before in combat. Every commander dreads when there new and improved FTL stops working in the middle of an encounter with a Cylon Basestar.

  •  Ever watch watch classic Japanese Anime like, Space Space Battleship Yamato (AKA Star Blazers in the western world) or Macross (AKA Robotech) How about a single ship lost and all by her self, chocked full of civilians and running very low on food, water, ammunition, tylium, fuel. How will you all survive and when will everyone go crazy and get cabin fever?
So that is not all my Ideas just some ones I have thrown out for you to use. Later on I will add some adventures and scenario ideas for Resistance groups on the twelve colonies.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


The Colonial warriors that make up this last surviving group is left blank for the Games master.
Create your own battlestar commander and Commander Air Group,Make your own hidden Cylon agents aboard this last group of hero's. Where they end up and if they even get there is your choice...

ELINT AND ELECTRONIC WARFARE SHIP VICTORY: A prototype ship that was undergoing test that where being overlooked by the Heracles It also managed to get away with the last remaining ships. The ship was being designed as a defense against another possible Cylon attack and what DRADIS and computer jamming would do, It is unknown what the Cylon Virus can do to the Victory but she is capable of jamming systems on Cylon Raiders so far but is untested on better and bigger ships but the rebel battlegroup may get the chance to test her out further, either way she is yet another valuable ship for them to have in there struggle.


ESCORT ADRASTEIA: Most of escorts and support ship that follow the Battlestars in to combat are the first to go when the big guns come out and the Firestars and Battlestars start exploding around them the escorts are not much in combat. But sometimes they get missed and end up getting away. The Adrasteia was nearly destroyed by cylon bombs and just barely managed to escape, agian like the other ship left of the BSG 75 she suffered massive crew loss. The Adrasteria and Heralces are the last two know well armed warship left.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


MEDSTAR CARITAS: The rebel group is very luck to have this ship in its possession, Medstars have years worth of medical supplies and disaster situation equipment, The Caritas is the most important ship in the group and they would be a lot worse of with out her. The Caritas was hit by Raiders while trying to escape the ambush of the Battlestar Heracles so she has limited DRADIS function but is still in working order although not very well armed