Friday, March 12, 2010


After the Cylon sneak attack the world as humankind knew it was gone, changed forever majority of the planets where under Cylon control or decimated, all of the major cities nuked to oblivion. Survivors where scattered across the 12 planets, some imprisoned by the Cylons the rest escaped with the rag tag fleet protected the last battlestar the Galactica.

But they where not the only survivors.
One Battlestar and its small escorts where away from the colonies when the attack happened, The Heracles was on training and testing maneuvers near the 'Red Line'. On her way back to the Scorpion Fleet Ship Yards with an experimental electronic warfare ship she was attacked by a Basestar and her Raiders.
Heracles was damages but managed to escape

This group have formed a band of rebels to fight and survive the cylons. They have(for the moment) made an asteroid belt near the Cylon/Human border there home and base for there plans to strike back its difficult for DRADIS to pick up ships in the belt and so far no Cylons have patrolled the area for more than a month now.

several raptor, transport and shuttle patrols are sent out on operations to collect supply's they raid the wreckage of the shipyards and sometime make clandestine missions to the surface of the planets.
So far they have not be caught and so far they have only had small skirmishes with the Cylons. But when they are ready they plan on striking back with full force

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